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 Monkeypox is a disease that affects monkeys and humans. It has a high mortality rate in both the animal and human populations. It is caused by the monkey-human virus abbreviated as MHV. The name of the disease comes from how it was originally discovered—the study of monkeys that had died from it. It was first described in 1894 by Dr Henry J Temple, who also coined the word “ monkeypox ” to describe it. The pathogen’s carrier state is unknown, but the main hypothesis is that an infected monkey coughs or drools virus into its bite wound. This bite then infects a human with similar symptoms to those of an infected monkey.


 Monkeypox is often shortened to MPX or MPXD on medical journals and in medical schools. It causes severe fever, muscle pain, headache, fatigue, body rash and painful jaw glands in monkeys and becomes fatal if untreated. The disease can also affect humans if they are bitten by an infected monkey or contract a cut or scratch from an infected primate’s saliva. Different organs can be affected by MPX depending on the species of monkey that gets sick with it. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) , there have been no reported deaths from monkeypox in the United States since 1999 . In addition, there have been no cases recorded anywhere in Europe since 2011 . A recent outbreak occurred however when a few dozen people contracted MPX near Mount Everest in 2017 .


The pathogen causes similar symptoms in both monkeys and humans; however, some human patients may experience additional symptoms such as brain inflammation and kidney failure if they contract an advanced case of MPX . Symptoms begin one to three weeks after being bit by an infected animal and may last for up to five months depending on one’s immune status. According to CDC, 1 person dies out of 100 cases of MPX; however, this number can rise dramatically if many people get infected at once. An outbreak occurred recently near Mount Everest when a local monastery lost 300 non-human primates due to unknown causes . As humans were treating these animals for MPX , they too caught the illness from their primate pets .


Global health experts are trying to contain the outbreak by treating all patients with anti-viral medicine such as acyclovir and valacyclovir so their symptoms don’t become worse . Doctors give patients fluids through IV lines so their body does not lose too much valuable fluids through vomiting or diarrhea . Patients are also given antibiotics such as ampicillin so their bacteria do not create more harmful bacteria further aggravating themselves . In addition, health workers disinfect bedding materials and utensils used by patients so they do not spread the disease further through contaminated food or water . They are also advised not to touch any patient while showing signs of illness since this can lead to secondary infections due to their illness causing open wounds on their body .


 Monkeypox has caused several deadly outbreaks among monkeys and humans alike— especially those who live near primate habitats like Mount Everest or jungle reserves where primates reside naturally . Global health experts have instituted safe practices for treating monkeypox patients so outbreaks can be contained before they grow beyond control’s reach. The best way to avoid catching MPX is not get bitten or scratched by an infected animal— contact your local zoo if you come into contact with monkeys!

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